
Start NPC Task Delegator, Scouts' Coalition, Eastern Adoulin
Requirements Coalition Rank 6: Advisor

1-3 Imprimaturs

Repeatable Yes
Reward 1 Imprimatur: 3,000 ~ 3,400 EXP + 3,000 ~ 3,400 Bayld
2 Imprimaturs: 5,400 ~ 6,120 EXP + 5,400 ~ 6,120 Bayld
3 Imprimaturs: 7,200 ~ 13,200 EXP + 7,200 ~ 13,200 Bayld
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None None


  • Examine an Ergon Locus in Yorcia Weald from the correct distance.
  • EXP/Bayld reward depend upon which Ergon Locus you visit with I-8 giving the least and G-6 and K-10 giving the most.
    • Note: The loci appear on Wide Scan.
    • Each locus has its own name; the table below shows the position of each locus, its name, and any special notes for finding it.
    • Surveys can lead to success or failure depending on distance.
  • After inspecting a locus, return to the Task Delegator.
Name: Position: Notes:
"Pool of Clarity." Yorcia Weald (G-6) Bivouac #1 Warp. Need to pass a temporary barrier that appears at certain times during the game day.
"Bryophitic Boulder." Yorcia Weald (I-8) Frontier Station Warp. Need to pass a temporary barrier that appears at certain times during the game day.
"Overgrown Grove." Yorcia Weald (K-10) Biviouac #2 Warp or Augural Conveyor Warp. If coming from the Frontier Station there will be a Colonization Reive in the way.

Survey Tables[]

This table shows the approximate time ranges that correspond to the distance ranges required to successfully complete the survey. Report exact times and distances below.[1]

Ergon Locus 02:00~5:59 06:00~9:59 10:00~13:59 14:00~17:59 18:00~21:59 22:00~01:59
Pool of Clarity 0.5~0.9 1.0~1.4 1.5~1.9 2.0~2.4 2.5~2.9 3.0~3.4
Bryophitic Boulder 1.0~1.4 1.5~1.9 2.0~2.4 2.5~2.9 3.0~3.4 0.5~0.9
Overgrown Grove 1.5~1.9 2.0~2.4 2.5~2.9 3.0~3.4 0.5~0.9 1.0~1.4

Game Description[]

Task Delegator
Head to Yorcia Weild to survey a special tract of land there. Successfully inspect an ergon locus and return to the Scouts' Coalition to complete this assignment.

