
Animated Gun is now a forced pop from the ??? at E-8 (SE corner, near the cave entrance with the burning torch). PI = ethereal goad, which drops from the Satellite Guns in the same area (near the entrance to Castle Zvahl, which is also near where you will find the Vanguard Dragons - useful if you need a necropsyche for final stage of Annihilator relic gun). Both dragons and satellite guns checked as incredibly easy prey to a BST99 with a 119 axe. I did not even bother to melee - Amiable Roche (pet fish) was doing 500+ damage per hit and battles took less than a minute. I got the ethereal goad on my third satellite gun kill, and then Roche easily soloed the Animated Gun itself in just under 3 minutes. No familiar, no food, no problem. I do have good pet gear (Regimen Mitts, Sabong and Gelai earrings, Hurch'lan sash, etc) but it was not needed. Kmera (talk) 17:54, November 3, 2014 (UTC)
